
研究發展處Office of Research and Development



泰國姊妹校-國立蘭塔納功欣皇家理工大學(Rajamangala University of Technology RattanakosinRMUTR),將於明年2020111日至19日於曼谷校區,主辦「ASEAN YOUTH CAMP 2020(2020東協優秀青年營)


ASEAN YOUTH CAMP 2020」旨在訓練參與者的溝通技巧,策略思維和團隊精神。透過「ASEAN YOUTH CAMP 2020」活動,可以提升參與者的知識並培養對文化差異,種族多樣性,語言使用及與他人互動的積極態度。




檢附(ASEAN YOUTH CAMP 2020)研習申請表、研習活動內容表、海報。

有意申請的同學請於 1081125日前,繳交研習活動申請表至國際暨兩岸交流中心。(A201行政大樓2),詳細活動網址: https://rd.hust.edu.tw/ac?type=detail&item=9&isEn=0&custom=6899


申請表:Download MUTR Youth Camp Application Form

行程表:Download AYC 2020 Schedule


國際暨兩岸交流中心 敬啟 分機6432



Hello, everyone!


RMUTR is delighted to announce that the “ASEAN Youth Camp 2020” will be hosted next year on 11 - 19 January 2020!


This camp aims to develop the participants’ communication skills, strategic thinking, and team building. Moreover, it also promotes the participants’ knowledge and fosters a positive attitude toward cultural differences, racial diversity, language using and manners to other people through the activities in camp.


For your information, the number of overseas participants is limited to 2 students for HUST. RMUTR will cover all of the students’ expenses during their stay in Thailand EXCEPT their transportation to and from Thailand, health & travel insurance, visa, and any other personal expenses.


The submission deadline is 25 November 2019, but the sooner the better. We will immediately further process the official invitation to you after we have received the application forms.


PS. We’ve attached the Application Form, Schedule and Poster for promoting this camp as well.


Best Regards,


Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs


Download MUTR Youth Camp Application Form

Download AYC 2020  Schedule